The first class in a relative frequency table is 50–59 and the corresponding relative frequency is 0.2. What does the 0.2 value indicate?

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the o.2 value the number frequency that occur in that category

The 0.2 value in this relative frequency table indicates the proportion or percentage of the total number of observations that fall within the class interval 50-59. In other words, 0.2 signifies that 20% of the observations or data points in the dataset fall within the range of 50-59.

To calculate the relative frequency, you need to divide the frequency of the class by the total number of observations and then multiply by 100 to express it as a percentage.

For example, if the frequency of the class interval 50-59 is 10, and the total number of observations is 50, then you can calculate the relative frequency as follows:

Relative frequency = (Frequency of the class / Total number of observations) * 100
Relative frequency = (10 / 50) * 100
Relative frequency = 0.2 * 100
Relative frequency = 20%

Therefore, the relative frequency of the class interval 50-59 is 0.2 or 20%.