11. What, to the nearest tenth, will an earthquake measure on the Richter scale if it has an intensity of I = 43, 512,000 I 0?

To determine the magnitude of an earthquake on the Richter scale, we can use the equation:

M = log10(I/I0)

where M is the magnitude, I is the intensity of the earthquake, and I0 is a reference intensity level.

In this case, I = 43,512,000 I0. We need to find the magnitude to the nearest tenth.

Let's calculate it step by step:

Step 1: Take the log base 10 of the intensity ratio (I/I0):
log10(43,512,000 I0 / I0) = log10(43,512,000)

Step 2: Calculate the log10 of 43,512,000 using a calculator or computer program:
M = log10(43,512,000) ≈ 7.639

Step 3: Round the magnitude to the nearest tenth:
M ≈ 7.6

Therefore, an earthquake with an intensity of I = 43,512,000 I0 would measure approximately 7.6 on the Richter scale.