Design complex program algorithms using the three basic control structures.Currency Conversion Design Appendix h

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what i am looking for is Currency conversion design. using hierarchy chart, input out put. i have develop a pseudocode for a program design.I am having trouble.

To design a complex program algorithm using the three basic control structures (sequential, selection, and iteration) for currency conversion, you can follow these steps:

1. Define the problem: Clearly understand the problem statement and what needs to be achieved. In this case, the goal is to convert a given amount of one currency to another currency.

2. Gather input: Determine what information you need as input for the currency conversion algorithm. For example, you might require the amount to be converted, the source currency, and the target currency.

3. Sequential control structure: Start by writing the steps that need to be executed sequentially. In this case, you would want to:
a. Input the amount to be converted.
b. Input the source currency.
c. Input the target currency.
d. Fetch the current exchange rate between the source and target currencies.

4. Selection control structure: Use conditional statements (if, else if, else) to handle different cases or conditions. Here, you can include error handling and validation:
a. Check if the source and target currencies are valid and supported.
b. If not valid, display an error message and terminate the program.
c. If valid, continue with the conversion.

5. Iteration control structure: Decide if any part of the algorithm needs to be repeated multiple times. In this case, you may want to allow the user to convert multiple amounts without terminating the program. Implement a loop structure to achieve this:
a. Start a loop that repeats until the user chooses to exit.
b. Inside the loop, perform the sequential steps described earlier for currency conversion.
c. After each conversion, ask the user if they want to perform another conversion.
d. If yes, repeat the loop; otherwise, exit the program.

6. Currency conversion calculation: Calculate the converted amount using the exchange rate obtained earlier. Multiply the amount to be converted by the exchange rate (considering the source currency as the base currency).

7. Display output: Show the converted amount to the user.

By following these steps, you can create a program algorithm using the three basic control structures for currency conversion. It's important to note that the specifics of the algorithm may vary depending on the programming language and platform you are using.