A baseball is thrown horizontally off a cliff with a speed of 24 m/s. What is the horizontal distance, to the nearest tenth of a meter, from the face of the cliff after 2.8 seconds?

To the nearest tenth of a meter, how far has it fallen in that time?

So is 24 m/s Vx or Vox? Do I need to find a theta? How do I do this?? Sorry I know this is probably easy to you but I'm new to physics and I do not understand any of this chapter

It is thrown horizontally. There is no horizontal force. Therefore it keeps going at 24 m/s in the horizontal direction. Thus

Vx = Vox = 24 m/s
horizontal distance after 2.8 = 2.8 * 24

The vertical problem is entirely separate.
It has no initial speed down.
distance down = 0 + 0 t + (1/2)(9.8)(2.8)^2

assuming it has not hit the ground by then of course.

Yeah...thats correct... But don't worry...every1 goes throug the same problem:-) I too went through that situation:-) be cool:)

No problem at all! I'm here to help you understand. In this case, the 24 m/s represents the initial velocity in the horizontal direction, which is denoted as Vx or Vox. Since the baseball is thrown horizontally, there is no vertical component to its initial velocity.

To find the horizontal distance from the face of the cliff after 2.8 seconds, we can use the formula:

distance = speed × time

In this case, the speed is the horizontal component of velocity, which is 24 m/s, and the time is 2.8 seconds. Plugging in these values, we get:

distance = 24 m/s × 2.8 s

Calculating this, we find that the horizontal distance is 67.2 meters. Rounding to the nearest tenth of a meter, the answer is approximately 67.2 meters.

Now, let's calculate the distance the baseball has fallen in 2.8 seconds. In this case, we need to consider the vertical component of the motion. We can use the formula:

distance = (1/2) × acceleration × time²

The acceleration due to gravity is typically taken as -9.8 m/s² (negative because it acts downwards). Plugging in the values, we get:

distance = (0.5) × (-9.8 m/s²) × (2.8 s)²

Simplifying this, we find that the distance fallen is approximately 37.2 meters. Rounding to the nearest tenth of a meter, the answer is approximately 37.2 meters.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.