Write two to three paragraphs briefly summarizing the theory and discussing which of the “Seven Intelligences” apply most closely to you.

Sharon, you are posting questions ONLY YOU CAN ANSWER. How would anyone here know what applies to you? Please re-read your posts.

The theory of Multiple Intelligences, proposed by psychologist Howard Gardner, suggests that human intelligence is not a single general ability, but rather a combination of distinct intelligences. Gardner identified seven different types of intelligences: linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligence. Each intelligence represents a unique way of processing information, solving problems, and demonstrating expertise.

In terms of the intelligences that apply most closely to me, I personally find myself resonating with the linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences. Linguistic intelligence involves a strong affinity for words, language, and communication. It relates to skills such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking. As someone who enjoys writing and expressing ideas through language, I feel inclined towards this intelligence. Logical-mathematical intelligence, on the other hand, involves logical reasoning, pattern recognition, and problem-solving abilities. I find myself naturally drawn to logical arguments, puzzles, and mathematical concepts, indicating a preference for this particular intelligence.