A diesel engine takes in 0.5 moles of air at 20.0„aC and at atmospheric pressure. It then compresses it adiabatically to one twentieth of its original volume.

Obtain the final temperature, pressure and volume of the compressed air?

which formula should i use for this equation could anyone tell me?

To solve this problem, you can use the ideal gas law and the adiabatic compression formula.

The ideal gas law relates the pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles of a gas:
PV = nRT

P = Pressure
V = Volume
n = Number of moles
R = Ideal gas constant (8.314 J/(mol K))
T = Temperature in Kelvin

The adiabatic compression formula relates the initial and final conditions of temperature, pressure, and volume during an adiabatic process:

PV^γ = Constant

P = Pressure
V = Volume
γ = Specific heat ratio (Cp/Cv) which for air is approximately 1.4

To solve the problem, follow these steps:
1. Convert the initial temperature from Celsius to Kelvin by adding 273.15 to the given value.
2. Calculate the initial pressure using atmospheric pressure provided in the problem.
3. Use the ideal gas law to find the initial volume by rearranging the equation: V = (nRT)/P.
4. Calculate the final volume by dividing the initial volume by 20.
5. Use the adiabatic compression formula to find the final pressure by rearranging the equation: P2 = P1(V1/V2)^γ.
6. Solve for the final temperature using the ideal gas law: T2 = (P2V2)/(nR).

By following these steps and applying the equations, you can find the final temperature, pressure, and volume of the compressed air.