michael rides his bike 2 3/5 as long as jacob. find micheal's riding times if jacob rides for 45 minutes

45 * 2 3/5 = 45 * 2.6 = 117 minutes

117 minutes = 1 hour and 57 minutes

1 hour and 57 minutes

To find Michael's riding time, we can use the given information that Michael rides his bike 2 3/5 as long as Jacob.

First, let's convert 2 3/5 into an improper fraction:
2 = 2/1
3/5 = 3/5

Adding the fractions:
2/1 + 3/5 = (2*5 + 3)/(1*5) = 13/5

So, Michael rides his bike 13/5 times longer than Jacob.

Since Jacob rides for 45 minutes, we can calculate Michael's riding time by multiplying Jacob's time by the fraction:
45 minutes * (13/5) = (45 * 13) / 5 = 585/5 = 117 minutes.

Therefore, Michael's riding time is 117 minutes.

To find Michael's riding time, we need to determine what 2 3/5 of Jacob's riding time is.

Let's start by converting Jacob's riding time to a fraction. Since he rides for 45 minutes, we can write this as 45/1.

To determine 2 3/5 of Jacob's riding time, we multiply 45/1 by 2 3/5.

First, let's convert 2 3/5 to an improper fraction. Multiply the whole number (2) by the denominator (5) and add the numerator (3), giving us 13. So, 2 3/5 is equivalent to 13/5.

Now, we can multiply 45/1 by 13/5:

(45/1) x (13/5) = (45 x 13) / (1 x 5) = 585/5

So, Michael's riding time is 585/5 minutes.

However, it is usually preferred to express fractions in simplest form. To simplify the fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 5 in this case:

585 ÷ 5 / 5 ÷ 5 = 117/1

Therefore, Michael's riding time is 117 minutes.