Watching the news on TV Mr.Velazco sees pictures of starving children in Africa.That morning he had read about the problem of world hunger.The TV images had a greater impact on him because of:

A: belief perserverance
B: emotional intelligence
C:confirmation bias
D: the availability heuristic.

I don't like any of your choices. What does your text say?

If you cannot find the concepts in your text, it would be much quicker to Google the choices to find out which is best, in this case, D.

To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand the meanings of the given options and then analyze which one best corresponds to the situation.

A: Belief perseverance refers to the tendency for people to hold onto their beliefs, even when presented with contrary evidence. This option seems unrelated to the situation as Mr. Velazco's response is not mentioned in the context of his existing beliefs.

B: Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize and manage emotions, both within oneself and in others. Although emotions are mentioned in the question, this option does not specifically address the impact of the emotions felt by Mr. Velazco in response to the images.

C: Confirmation bias is the tendency to seek or interpret information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions or beliefs. This option seems unrelated as the question does not suggest that Mr. Velazco was seeking or interpreting information to confirm his existing beliefs.

D: The availability heuristic is a mental shortcut that relies on immediate examples that come to mind when evaluating a specific topic or making a decision. This option could be the correct answer as Mr. Velazco saw vivid and powerful images of starving children on TV, which created a stronger emotional impact and made the problem of world hunger more salient to him.

Therefore, based on the given options and the provided context, the most appropriate answer would be:

D: The availability heuristic.