How do I do this probability math problem,--- In 2000, the population of a certain country was about 195 million. The overall birth rate was 18.8 births per 100. The overall death rate was 11.8 deaths per 1000. Based on births & deaths alone(not counting immigration) how much did the population of the country increase during 2000? Thank you in advance

Please check your numbers. The birth rate is quoted per 100 and the death rate per 1000.

Here's a start:

195 million / 100 = 1 950 000

1,950,000 * 18.8 = 36 660 000 births

So sorry, Been up all night with this math. It is births per 1000, also. And the death rate is per 1000.

Thank you

195 million / 1000 = 195 000

195,000 * 18.8 = 3,666,000 births

Do the same for the deaths and then subtract to find the increase in population.

thank you so much

You're welcome.

To calculate the increase in population during 2000 based on birth and death rates, we need to use the formula:

Increase in Population = Births - Deaths

First, let's convert the birth and death rates to proportions by dividing them by 100.

Birth rate: 18.8 births per 100 = 0.188 births per person
Death rate: 11.8 deaths per 1000 = 0.0118 deaths per person

Now, let's calculate the births and deaths during 2000:
Births = Population * Birth rate = 195 million * 0.188
Deaths = Population * Death rate = 195 million * 0.0118

Next, subtract the number of deaths from the number of births to find the increase in the population:
Increase in Population = Births - Deaths

Finally, calculate the overall increase in the population:
Overall Increase in Population = Increase in Population / 1000

Substitute the values into the equations above to find the answer.