give an ordered pair (a,b)that satisfy the following equation 3a-b=7

ANY NUMBERS that you put in for a and b that it's a true statement. You could make up one and then see what the other has to be. I came up with (4, 5).

or (0,-7) or (1,-4) etc.

To find an ordered pair (a, b) that satisfies the equation 3a - b = 7, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose a value for 'a'.
Let's suppose we choose a = 2.

Step 2: Substitute the value of 'a' into the equation.
Replace 'a' in the equation with the chosen value, which gives us:
3(2) - b = 7

Step 3: Simplify the equation.
Multiply 3 by 2:
6 - b = 7

Step 4: Isolate 'b' by manipulating the equation.
To isolate 'b', we can move the constant term -6 to the other side of the equation by adding it to both sides:
6 - b + b = 7 + 6
6 = 13

However, we ended up with an inconsistent statement (6 = 13), which means that the value we chose for 'a' does not produce a valid solution for 'b'.

Since the equation does not have a solution with whole numbers, you would need to use decimals or fractions to find a solution that satisfies 3a - b = 7.