A town has a population of 8400 in 1990. Fifteen years later, it's population grew to 12,500. Determine the average annual growth rate of this town's population. Round to the nearest tenth of a percent.

(the answer in the book is approx.2.7) thank you for your help!!

To determine the average annual growth rate of the town's population, we need to calculate the percentage increase over the 15-year period.

Step 1: Calculate the population growth over the 15 years.
Population growth = Final population - Initial population
Population growth = 12,500 - 8,400
Population growth = 4,100

Step 2: Calculate the annual growth rate.
Annual growth rate = (Population growth / Initial population) * 100
Annual growth rate = (4,100 / 8,400) * 100
Annual growth rate ≈ 48.81

Step 3: Divide the annual growth rate by the number of years.
Average annual growth rate = Annual growth rate / Number of years
Average annual growth rate ≈ 48.81 / 15
Average annual growth rate ≈ 3.254

Step 4: Round the average annual growth rate to the nearest tenth of a percent.
Rounded average annual growth rate ≈ 3.3%

So, the average annual growth rate of the town's population is approximately 3.3%, which is different from the answer given in your book (approx. 2.7%). It's possible that the book is using a different calculation method or has rounded differently.