If the light travel 3.0 times 10 to the power of 8 meters/secs. How long it will take in miles/hr

convert m to inches.

convert inches to feet.
convert feet to miles
convert seconds to hrs

3E8m/s*39.37inches/m * 1ft/12inches * 1mile/5280ft * 3600sec/hr

To calculate how long it will take for light to travel in miles/hr, we need to convert the given speed from meters/second to miles/hour.

First, let's convert meters to miles. Since 1 meter is equivalent to 0.000621371 miles, we can multiply the given speed by this conversion factor:

3.0 * 10^8 meters/second * 0.000621371 miles/meter = 186,412.14 miles/second

Since there are 3600 seconds in an hour, we can multiply the speed in miles/second by 3600 to obtain the speed in miles/hour:

186,412.14 miles/second * 3600 seconds/hour = 671,003,704 miles/hour

Therefore, it would take light approximately 671,003,704 miles/hour to travel at a speed of 3.0 * 10^8 meters/second.