some child psychologists have concluded that___ is the strongest predictor of both scholastic and career achievement

A. physical illness
b. respect for authority
c. emotional well being
d inherited intelligence

Gee, I would have said c.

To determine which option is the strongest predictor of both scholastic and career achievement according to child psychologists, we need to examine the evidence provided.

Physical illness (option A) does not seem like a strong predictor of scholastic and career achievement because it is usually temporary and does not predict long-term success in these areas.

Respect for authority (option B) may be important in certain contexts, such as following rules and guidelines in school or the workplace. However, it is unlikely to be the strongest predictor for scholastic and career achievement as it does not directly measure academic or professional success.

Emotional well-being (option C) can greatly influence a person's performance in school and their career. Healthy emotional well-being allows individuals to effectively manage stress, maintain positive relationships, and concentrate on their goals. Therefore, emotional well-being is a strong contender as a predictor of scholastic and career achievement.

Inherited intelligence (option D) refers to the genetic factors that influence an individual's cognitive abilities. While intelligence is an important factor in determining academic success, it is not the only predictor. Factors such as motivation, effort, and access to educational opportunities also play significant roles.

Based on these explanations, emotional well-being (option C) seems to be the strongest predictor of both scholastic and career achievement according to child psychologists. However, it is important to note that this is a complex topic and there may be other factors that also contribute to success in these areas.