the longest lived radioactive isotope yet discovered is the beta-emitter has been determinded that it would take 2.4 x 10^21 years for 99.9% of this isotope to decay. write the equation for this reaction, and identify the isotope into which tellurium-130 decays.

52130Te ==> -1oe + X

The subscripts must add up and the superscripts must add up. I have shown the beta particle (an electron) with -1 charge and 0 mass. When you know the atomic number, place it at the lower left hand of X as a subscript and the mass number will be a superscript at the top left. Then look on the periodic table and identify the element X. It's tough to write these subscripts and superscripts so if I've goofed on one of them I will redo it.

It look ok to me.

To write the radioactive decay equation for the beta-emitter isotope Tellurium-130, we need to understand the decay process.

In beta decay, an unstable nucleus emits a beta particle (electron or positron) to achieve a more stable configuration.

The equation for the beta decay of Tellurium-130 can be written as:

^130Te -> ^130I + e^- + ν

In this equation:
- ^130Te represents Tellurium-130, the initial isotope.
- ^130I represents Iodine-130, the isotope into which Tellurium-130 decays.
- e^- represents an electron, which is emitted in the decay process.
- ν represents an electron antineutrino, which is also emitted in the process.

It is important to note that beta decay converts a neutron into a proton within the nucleus. Hence, the atomic number of the daughter isotope increases by one, while the mass number remains the same.

Therefore, Tellurium-130 (^130Te) decays into Iodine-130 (^130I) through beta decay.