In the novel when Leo offers him to try out painting himself, what would be the significance of that?

Once, when I was there, the two of us sharing a [smoke], he thrust his mop at me. "Have a go." he said.
" Why not?"

The significance of Leo offering the speaker in the novel to try out painting themselves can be interpreted in a few ways:

1. Symbolic Gesture: Leo offering the speaker to paint represents a gesture of trust and inclusion. By inviting the speaker to participate in his artistic process, Leo is acknowledging the speaker's own creative potential and giving them a chance to engage in an activity traditionally associated with personal expression and introspection.

2. Breaking Barriers: The act of sharing a smoke and offering the mop breaks down the boundaries between Leo and the speaker. It represents a moment of camaraderie and connection, where Leo is not only willing to share his artistic tools but also willing to share his passion and expertise with the speaker. This gesture creates a bond between them, fostering a sense of friendship and solidarity.

3. Empowerment and Self-Discovery: Leo's invitation to try painting encourages the speaker to explore their own artistic abilities and tap into their creative side. By giving the speaker the opportunity to experiment with painting, Leo is empowering them to discover a new form of self-expression and potentially uncover hidden talents.

To fully understand the significance, it would be helpful to read further in the novel and analyze how the act of painting or the relationship between Leo and the speaker evolves as the story progresses.