Trains A and B are traveling in the same direction on parallel tracks. Train A is traveling at 40mph, B is traveling at 44 mph. Train A passes a station at 820am, train B passes the same station at 850. At what time will train B catch up to train A.

My estimate is 924am

Your estimate is way off. How did you get it?

At 8:50 AM, Train A is ahead by (40 miles/h)(1/2 h) = 20 miles. The distance netween trains gets reduced at a rate of 44-40 = 4 mph. The gap between trains becomes zero in 20/4 = 5 hours.

Add 5 hours to 8:50 AM.

lack of sleep perhaps. Thanks for steering me in the right direction.

the painted cubes for the length of 12 centimeters

To find the time at which train B catches up to train A, we need to determine the time difference between when train A passes the station and when train B passes the same station.

First, let's calculate the time difference between train A passing the station and train B passing the station:
Train A took 820am to pass the station, so the time elapsed is 0 minutes.
Train B took 850am to pass the station, which means it took 30 minutes longer than train A.

Now, let's calculate the distance that train A traveled during that time:
Since both trains are traveling in the same direction, train B is catching up to train A. Hence, the distance traveled by train A in those 30 minutes is given by:

Distance = Speed × Time
Distance = 40mph × (30 minutes / 60 minutes)
Distance = 20 miles

Now that we know the distance that train A moved ahead, we can determine the time it will take for train B to catch up. Since both trains are traveling at different speeds, we can set up an equation to find the time:

Distance for train B = Speed for train B × Time

Since the distance covered by train B is the same distance covered by train A (20 miles), and train B is traveling at 44 mph:

20 miles = 44mph × Time

Now, we can solve for Time:

Time = 20 miles / 44mph
Time ≈ 0.45 hours

Finally, to find the actual time at which train B catches up to train A, we add the time difference to the time train A passed the station:

924am = 820am + 0.45 hours

So, train B will catch up to train A at approximately 9:24 am.