which of the following are mature(climax) communities?

a tundra
b sand dune
c temperate rainforest
d wetland

I'm guessing it's sand dune or wetland

Why are you guessing? I'm sure your text discusses the characteristics of a climax community.

could ya tell me what sand dune and wetland refer to?

A sand dune is a big heap of sand often near a large body of water. Very few plants grow in sand dunes.


A wetland is a swamp or bog or other low lying area with water in it.


so it's the tundra.

Please study this site carefully.


To determine which of the given options are mature or climax communities, we need to understand what defines a mature community. In ecology, a mature or climax community is a stable and self-sustaining ecological community that has reached a state of equilibrium with its environment. It generally has a high species diversity and abundance, with a complex structure and well-developed interactions among organisms.

Let's evaluate each option one by one:

a) Tundra: Tundra is a biome characterized by low temperatures, short growing seasons, and permafrost. It is typically dominated by shrubs, grasses, and lichens. The tundra undergoes continuous environmental changes, making it unstable and lacking a true climax community. Therefore, it is not considered a mature community.

b) Sand dune: Sand dunes are dynamic landforms in coastal or desert areas. They are constantly shifting due to wind and water movements, causing the environment to be highly unstable. Similar to tundra, sand dunes do not have a well-established climax community. Therefore, they are not considered mature communities.

c) Temperate rainforest: Temperate rainforests are characterized by high rainfall and moderate temperatures. They consist of diverse tree species, such as conifers and broadleaf trees, along with an understory of ferns, mosses, and other plants. Temperate rainforests can reach a relatively stable and self-sustaining state, making them mature or climax communities.

d) Wetland: Wetlands are areas with water-saturated soils, such as marshes, swamps, and bogs. They support a variety of plant and animal species that are adapted to thriving in wet conditions. Wetlands tend to be diverse and stable, developing complex interactions between organisms. Therefore, wetlands can be considered mature or climax communities.

Based on this analysis, the options that could be considered as mature or climax communities are c) temperate rainforest and d) wetland.