Amniote vertebrates are generally classified into three orders: Reptilia, Ayes (birds), and Mammalia. Of the following, which group of three animals contains one member of each order?

ostrich, American robin, Norway rat
Beluga whale, black-footed ferret, box turtle
timber rattlesnake, fence lizard, leopard
African lion, sea otter, herring gull
house sparrow, garter snake, African elephant

You have listed five groups of three species.

The #1 group of three contains two birds
The #2 and #3 groups contain no birds
The #4 group contains no reptiles
What is left?

To determine which group of three animals contains one member of each order (Reptilia, Aves, and Mammalia), we need to identify the order to which each animal belongs. Here is how you can do it:

1) Ostrich, American robin, Norway rat:
- Ostrich belongs to the order Aves (birds).
- American robin also belongs to the order Aves.
- Norway rat belongs to the order Mammalia.
Conclusion: All three animals belong to the same order (Aves), so this group does not contain one member from each order.

2) Beluga whale, black-footed ferret, box turtle:
- Beluga whale belongs to the order Mammalia.
- Black-footed ferret also belongs to the order Mammalia.
- Box turtle belongs to the order Reptilia.
Conclusion: All three animals belong to either the order Mammalia or Reptilia, so this group does not contain one member from each order.

3) Timber rattlesnake, fence lizard, leopard:
- Timber rattlesnake belongs to the order Reptilia.
- Fence lizard also belongs to the order Reptilia.
- Leopard belongs to the order Mammalia.
Conclusion: All three animals belong to either the order Reptilia or Mammalia, so this group does not contain one member from each order.

4) African lion, sea otter, herring gull:
- African lion belongs to the order Mammalia.
- Sea otter also belongs to the order Mammalia.
- Herring gull belongs to the order Aves.
Conclusion: This group contains one member from each order (Mammalia, Mammalia, and Aves).

5) House sparrow, garter snake, African elephant:
- House sparrow belongs to the order Aves.
- Garter snake belongs to the order Reptilia.
- African elephant belongs to the order Mammalia.
Conclusion: This group contains one member from each order (Aves, Reptilia, and Mammalia).

Based on the above analysis, the group of three animals that contains one member of each order is the group consisting of African lion, sea otter, and herring gull.