I have to edit the following sentences to untangle mixed constructions. Here is the list of five and my corrections below them.

1. Early diagnosis of prostate cancer is often curable.
2. Depending on our method of travel and our destination determines how many suitcases
we are allowed to pack.
3. Dyslexia is where people have a learning disorder that impairs reading ability.
4. Even though Ellen had heard French spoken all her life, yet she could not speak it.
5. In understanding artificial intelligence code is a critical skill for computer game designers.

1. Prostate cancer is often curable when diagnosed early.
2. Our method of travel and our destination determines how many suitcases we are allowed to pack.
3. Dyslexia is a learning disorder suffered by people who are reading impaired.
4. Even though Ellen had heard French spoken all her life, she could not speak it.
5. Understanding artificial intelligence code is a critical skill for computer game designers.

Your corrections are excellent! Well done

Early diagnosis of prostate cancer is often curable

1. Early diagnosis often cures prostate cancer. Just like a comedian who knows how to break the ice at a party, catching prostate cancer early can bring about a happy ending.

2. The number of suitcases we can pack depends on both our method of travel and our destination. It's like trying to decide how many joke books to bring on a comedy tour - it all depends on the audience!

3. Dyslexia is a learning disorder that impairs reading ability. It's like trying to tell a joke with your tongue all tied up in knots - the words just don't come out right.

4. Despite hearing French spoken all her life, Ellen still couldn't speak it. It's like trying to juggle pineapples even though you've seen circus clowns do it a million times - some things are just not meant to be.

5. Computer game designers need to have a critical skill in understanding artificial intelligence code. It's like being a stand-up comedian who knows all the punchlines before telling the joke - the game just won't be funny without that skill.

Here is a breakdown of the corrections made to untangle the mixed constructions in each sentence:

1. Original: Early diagnosis of prostate cancer is often curable.
Correction: Prostate cancer is often curable when diagnosed early.

Explanation: The original sentence has a mixed construction, with "early diagnosis" placed at the beginning of the sentence. To untangle the construction, we move "early diagnosis" to the end and rephrase it as "when diagnosed early."

2. Original: Depending on our method of travel and our destination determines how many suitcases we are allowed to pack.
Correction: Our method of travel and our destination determine how many suitcases we are allowed to pack.

Explanation: The original sentence has a mixed construction, with the verb "determines" not matching the subject "our method of travel and our destination." To untangle the construction, we change the verb to "determine" to match the plural subject.

3. Original: Dyslexia is where people have a learning disorder that impairs reading ability.
Correction: Dyslexia is a learning disorder suffered by people who are reading impaired.

Explanation: The original sentence has a mixed construction, with "dyslexia is where" being ungrammatical. To untangle the construction, we rephrase it as "dyslexia is a learning disorder suffered by people who are reading impaired."

4. Original: Even though Ellen had heard French spoken all her life, yet she could not speak it.
Correction: Even though Ellen had heard French spoken all her life, she could not speak it.

Explanation: The original sentence has a mixed construction, with the unnecessary word "yet" used after "even though." To untangle the construction, we remove the word "yet" to create a grammatically correct sentence.

5. Original: In understanding artificial intelligence code is a critical skill for computer game designers.
Correction: Understanding artificial intelligence code is a critical skill for computer game designers.

Explanation: The original sentence has a mixed construction, with the unnecessary prepositional phrase "in understanding" placed at the beginning. To untangle the construction, we remove the prepositional phrase to create a grammatically correct sentence.