Thank you vey much for helping me!

I still have some doubts about the use of passive and reported speech.I also hope you can check the following reading comprehension.
1) I had lunch at five. Lunch was had at five??
2) "How do you do?" She asked me how I did.
3) How was the tour in Mexico? It was cheap.
4) What did th tour include? It included flights, full board accomodation and guided tours.
5) How long was the plane delayed the day they left? It was delayed till the next day.
6) Was the hotel in Mexico City as they expected it to be? No, the hotel wasn't the one they had seen in the brochure.
7) How did they have to go to Merida? How long did they spend travelling? They had to go there by bus. They spent the whole day travelling.

Sure! I'm here to help you with your doubts about passive and reported speech. Let's go through each question and explain how to form passive and reported speech.

1) The original sentence is "I had lunch at five." To change this sentence to the passive voice, you should focus on the object of the sentence, which is "lunch." In the passive voice, the subject is usually the recipient of the action. So, the passive version of the sentence would be "Lunch was had at five."

2) The original sentence is "How do you do?" When we report this question, we usually change the verb tense. In this case, we change "do" to "did." So, the reported version of the question would be "She asked me how I did."

3) The original question is "How was the tour in Mexico?" The answer "It was cheap" is correct, but it doesn't directly answer the question. To answer the question using reported speech, you can say "They said the tour was cheap."

4) The original question is "What did the tour include?" The answer "It included flights, full board accommodation, and guided tours" is correct. In reported speech, we can report this as "They said the tour included flights, full board accommodation, and guided tours."

5) The original question is "How long was the plane delayed the day they left?" The answer "It was delayed till the next day" is correct. When reporting this, we can say "They said the plane was delayed until the next day."

6) The original question is "Was the hotel in Mexico City as they expected it to be?" The answer "No, the hotel wasn't the one they had seen in the brochure" is correct. When reporting this, we can say "They said the hotel was not the one they had seen in the brochure."

7) The original question is "How did they have to go to Merida? How long did they spend traveling?" The answer to the first question would be "They had to go there by bus" and the answer to the second question would be "They spent the whole day traveling." When reporting these, we can say "They said they had to go to Merida by bus and they said they spent the whole day traveling."

Now that we've explained each sentence, you can use this information to understand the use of passive and reported speech. Let me know if you have any more questions!