ok so i got...

the half life of carbon-14 is 5730 years, the relation c+(1/2)^ N/5730 is used to calc. the concentration, c, in parts per trillion remaining n years after death determine the carbon concentration in a 11460 year old bone.
please help :)

You must be kidding. No capitals to begin the sentence and no periods at the end of a sentence. I can't find the question. But I can tell it's a half-life question.

I don't use your formula. I used a revised version which always gives the same result.
Calculate k. k = 0.693/t1/2
Then substitute k into the following.
ln(No/N) = kt
k is from above.
No is what you started with. I would assume a value of 1
N is what is left.
t is the time in the problem.
Post your work in readable form if you get stuck.


To determine the carbon concentration in a 11,460-year-old bone using the given relation c + (1/2)^(N/5730), we can plug in the values and solve for c.

Half-life of carbon-14 (time it takes for half of the carbon-14 to decay): 5730 years
Relation: c + (1/2)^(N/5730)
Years after death: N = 11,460 years

Step 1: Substitute the values into the equation.
c + (1/2)^(N/5730) = c + (1/2)^(11,460/5730)

Step 2: Simplify the equation using exponent rules.
c + (1/2)^2 = c + (1/2)^2

Step 3: Calculate the exponent.
(1/2)^(11,460/5730) = (1/2)^2
(1/2)^(2) = (1/2)^2

Step 4: Simplify the equation further.
c + 1/4 = c + 1/4

Step 5: Cancel out the common terms.
c + 1/4 - 1/4 = c + 1/4 - 1/4
c = c

Step 6: The carbon concentration in a 11,460-year-old bone is the same as the initial concentration.
Therefore, the carbon concentration in the bone is c.

Note: The given equation does not provide any information about the initial carbon concentration, so we cannot determine an actual value for c without additional information. However, the equation allows us to determine that the carbon concentration remains the same, without decay, after 11,460 years.