This problem is related to Chapter-Sets. Please solve the question using x method. x method means x ∈ A ∩ B

Q. If A-B=A then show that A∩B=Ø

To prove that A ∩ B = Ø when A - B = A, we need to use the definition of set difference and set intersection.

Let's start by assuming that A - B = A. This means that every element in A is not in B, so there is no element that is common to both A and B.

Now, we want to prove that A ∩ B = Ø, which means that the intersection of A and B is an empty set.

To do this, we can use the fact that the intersection of two sets is defined as the set of elements that are common to both sets.

Since we already know that there are no elements common to both A and B (because A - B = A), we can conclude that A ∩ B must be an empty set.

Therefore, by assuming A - B = A and using the definition of set intersection, we have proven that A ∩ B = Ø.