"...for every piece of candy American children eat, their British cohorts eat two.."

Where could I get a copy of the above research?


You might start by researching Datamonitor obesity.

Or --

Datamonitor candy U.K.

I actually checked that site; however, I would have to pay for the article... thanks for your help anyway :-)... I tried to search for the study in the ERIC database but no luck!

To obtain a copy of the research mentioned, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the Source: Try to find the original source of the statement. In this case, the sentence you provided does not mention a specific research study or publication. It is important to determine if this information comes from a reliable source or a credible study.

2. Search Online Databases: You can search online research databases such as Google Scholar, JSTOR, or PubMed. These platforms provide access to a wide range of academic papers and studies. Input relevant keywords like "candy consumption American British children" or "candy consumption study" to see if any relevant research papers come up.

3. Look for Reputable Publications: If the statement was published in a news article or a reputable publication, you can search for the article using online news databases or the publication's website. Remember to use keywords related to the topic to narrow down your search.

4. Contact the Author(s): If you cannot find the specific research paper or publication, another option would be to identify the author(s) of the statement. Reach out to them directly via email or through their institution's contact information. Politely ask if they can provide you with the relevant research or direct you to its source.

5. Utilize Libraries or Academic Institutions: If the research was published in a book or journal article, you may have access to it through a local library or academic institution. Contact your local library to inquire about the availability of resources related to the topic.

Remember, the process of obtaining specific research depends on the credibility of the source and the availability of the study.