can anyone define and give me examples of "concrete details" please?

Here are some excellent examples.

thank you Ms.Sue and Writeacher!! (:

You're welcome, Sha!

"Concrete details" refer to specific, tangible, and descriptive elements that provide factual and sensory information. These details offer vivid and precise imagery, allowing readers to form a clear understanding or mental picture of a subject or scene. They can be found in various forms of writing, such as essays, stories, poetry, or even speeches. Here are a few examples to help illustrate the concept:

1. Example in a descriptive essay: "The fresh aroma of wildflowers permeated the air as I walked through the sun-kissed meadow. The vibrant yellow daffodils swayed gently in the breeze, and nearby, a babbling brook sparkled under the warm rays of the afternoon sun."

In this example, the specific details like the scent of wildflowers, the color of the daffodils, and the visual image of the babbling brook provide a concrete and vivid depiction of the surroundings.

2. Example in a narrative story: "As the car screeched to a halt, my heart raced, and adrenaline surged through my veins. I could hear the loud honking of horns and see the flashing lights of police cars in my rearview mirror. My trembling hands grasped the cold leather steering wheel as an officer approached my window, his stern face inches away."

Here, the concrete details capture the intense emotions, the sensory experience of hearing and seeing, and the physical sensations of trembling hands and a cold steering wheel, all of which add depth and realism to the narrative.

By incorporating concrete details, writers make their writing more engaging, relatable, and memorable, as readers can easily imagine and connect with the information being conveyed. To incorporate concrete details into your own writing, focus on using descriptive language that appeals to the senses and provides specific, observable, and tangible information about the subject.