Your car gets 33 miles per gallon, you drive an average speed of 44 miles per hour. How much gas do you use in an hour?

33/44? or 44/33

Think about it. You obviously use a little more than 1 gallon in an hour.

Which division problem will give you a little more than 1 for an answer?

Thank You, Ms. Sue.

You're welcome, Leissa.

To calculate how much gas you use in an hour, you need to determine how many gallons of gas your car consumes in that time.

First, you need to calculate the amount of time it takes to drive one mile at the average speed of 44 miles per hour. This can be done by dividing the time (in hours) by the distance (in miles). In this case, the time it takes to drive one mile would be 1 hour divided by 44 miles, which is approximately 0.0227 hours/mile.

Next, you need to find out how much gas your car consumes per mile. In this case, your car gets 33 miles per gallon. Therefore, it consumes 1/33 gallons of gas per mile.

To determine how much gas you use in an hour, you multiply the consumption per mile by the distance traveled in an hour. In this case, you are driving at an average speed of 44 miles per hour. So, you multiply the consumption per mile (1/33 gallons) by the distance traveled in an hour (44 miles).

(1/33 gallons/mile) x (44 miles) = 1.333 gallons

Therefore, you would use approximately 1.333 gallons of gas in an hour of driving at an average speed of 44 miles per hour.