Factor the following. You will earn 5 points for each polynomial that is factored correctly. Please label your individual answers with a - f.

a.) 4x2 - 25

b.) 3x2 + 6y

c.) x2 - 7x + 10

d.) 2x2 - 9x - 18

e.) 2ax + 6bx + ay + 3by

f.) 6x2 + 12x - 48

a) This is the difference of two squares. Take the square root of each part.

b) You can take out a 3.
c) What two numbers multiply to 10 and add up to -7?
d) Use the quadratic formula.
e) Use grouping.
f) Take out a 6 first.
Try these steps and post your answers for me or someone else to check for yoiu.