two worded definitions for those confusing homophones.

the rule: (principal, principle)


Generations of school kids remember that the princiPAL is their PAL.


To differentiate between the homophones "principal" and "principle," here are two worded definitions for each:

1. The head or leader of a school.
To determine the meaning of "principal," consider its usage in the context of education. The principal is the person who oversees and manages a school, making decisions regarding administration, discipline, and educational policies.

1. A fundamental truth or law.
When trying to grasp the meaning of "principle," think about its broader significance. A principle is a foundational concept or belief that guides behavior or decision-making. It represents a fundamental truth that is applied consistently.

Remember, to fully understand and use words correctly, it is beneficial to explore their definitions, examine examples, and consider their application within different contexts.