A payment made to a Canadian shareholder from an American corporation would be recorded as an invisible import.

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The question is is it T or F (true or false).


A payment made to a Canadian shareholder from an American corporation would not be recorded as an invisible import. Invisible imports refer to the intangible and non-physical items or services that a country purchases from another country, such as royalty payments, license fees, or financial services.

In this case, the payment made to a Canadian shareholder would be considered a capital flow or capital transfer. It represents a movement of funds from the American corporation to the Canadian shareholder, but it does not involve the exchange of goods or services across borders. Capital flows are recorded in the financial account of the balance of payments, which tracks the transactions related to investment and financial assets between countries.

To verify this answer, one could consult reliable sources such as international trade or economic textbooks, government publications, or reputable financial institutions that provide information on balance of payments or international transactions.