a boy is running on a straight road.He run towards north in 2 minutes and 10 seconds and then turn back and runs 200m in one minute.Calculate his average speed and magnitude of average velocity during first 2 minutes and 10 seconds and his average speed and magnitude of average velocity during the whole journey?


hi lm patrik how is ur day

To calculate the average speed and magnitude of average velocity, we need to find the total distance traveled and the total time taken for each segment separately.

First, let's calculate the average speed and magnitude of average velocity during the first 2 minutes and 10 seconds:

1. The boy runs towards the north for 2 minutes and 10 seconds.
2. The speed is calculated by dividing the total distance covered by the total time taken. Since no specific distance is mentioned, we can assume the boy runs with a constant speed.
3. We'll convert the time to seconds for convenience. 2 minutes is equal to 2 * 60 seconds = 120 seconds. Adding 10 seconds, we have a total time of 130 seconds.
4. As we are not given any specific distance, suppose the boy runs at a speed of "d" meters per second during this period.

Therefore, the total distance covered during the first 2 minutes and 10 seconds is d * 130 meters.

Now let's calculate the average speed and magnitude of average velocity during this time:

Average speed = distance / time = (d * 130) / 130 = d meters per second.

Magnitude of average velocity = average speed (since it's a scalar quantity) = d meters per second.

Next, let's calculate the average speed and magnitude of average velocity during the whole journey:

1. During the first 2 minutes and 10 seconds, the boy covered a distance of d * 130 meters.

2. After turning back, the boy ran 200 meters in one minute. Here, we have a specific distance, so we can calculate the speed.

Average speed = total distance / total time.

Total distance = (d * 130) + 200 meters.
Total time = 130 seconds (from the previous calculation) + 60 seconds = 190 seconds.

Average speed = (d * 130 + 200) / 190 meters per second.

Magnitude of average velocity = average speed (since it's a scalar quantity) = (d * 130 + 200) / 190 meters per second.