If a major Internet store wants to estimate the percentage of adult Internet shoppers in order to determine the maximum impact of Internet shoppers on its sales, what amount of the shoppers should be used as a sample?

I don't know of a specific number, but the greater the number, the more accurate the estimate will be. Do you have some data that you have not included?

To estimate the percentage of adult Internet shoppers, the major Internet store should select a representative sample of shoppers. The size of the sample needed would depend on various factors like confidence level, margin of error, and population size.

Here's how you can determine the sample size:

1. Determine the desired confidence level: This represents the level of certainty or probability that the results from the sample will accurately reflect the population. A common confidence level is 95%.

2. Decide on the margin of error: This indicates the maximum amount of error you are willing to tolerate in the sample estimate. The smaller the margin of error, the larger the required sample size.

3. Find the population size: In this case, you need an estimate of the total number of adult Internet shoppers. If the population is very large (e.g., millions of shoppers), you can assume an infinite population size. Otherwise, if you have an accurate estimate of the population size, use that value.

4. Use a sample size calculator: Many online sample size calculators are available that can help you determine the appropriate sample size based on the above information. These calculators will ask for the confidence level, margin of error, and population size. The calculator will suggest the required sample size.

Keep in mind that increasing the sample size generally improves the accuracy of the estimate, but it also requires more resources and time.

Once the appropriate sample size has been determined, the major Internet store can randomly select that number of shoppers from their customer base and analyze their characteristics to estimate the percentage of adult Internet shoppers accurately.