What is the system used by organizations to determine or identify what human resources are needed by the organizaton? Take into consideration internal and external factors that influence an organization,s human reource needs.

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9) Having ambiguous training and development goals:

A) is best when designing a training or development program, since many people can be stifled by following a stiff organizational procedure.
B) is best when designing a training or development program, but is often unappreciated by managers and trainees.
C) guarantees program failure.
D) is less expensive than having specific goals.
E) encourages spontaneity in training and development sessions and is worth any loss that may occur due to the lack of clarity within the program.

The system used by organizations to determine or identify their human resource needs is called Human Resource Planning (HRP). HRP involves assessing the current and future human resource requirements to ensure that the organization has the right number of employees with the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to achieve its strategic objectives.

To understand the specific human resource needs, organizations consider both internal and external factors:

1. Internal Factors:
- Organizational goals and objectives: The organization's strategic plan and future business goals play a crucial role in determining the human resource needs. For example, if a company plans to expand its operations, it will require more employees with diverse skills to support the expansion.
- Current employee capabilities: Assessing the skills, competencies, and performance of the existing workforce helps identify any gaps in human resources and determine the need for training, development, or recruitment.
- Workforce turnover: Analyzing employee turnover rates helps estimate the number of employees who may leave the organization in the future. This information is crucial to project the replacement needs and plan recruitment efforts accordingly.
- Succession planning: Identifying employees with high potential for leadership positions and creating development plans for them ensures a smooth transition and reduces the risk of talent gaps.

2. External Factors:
- Labor market conditions: Understanding the availability of qualified candidates in the external labor market helps organizations determine the ease or difficulty of hiring employees with specific skills.
- Demographic trends: Analyzing demographic factors like population growth, aging workforce, or changes in the labor force participation rate can help anticipate future labor shortages or surpluses.
- Technological advancements: Technological changes can affect the skills required for certain job roles. Assessing the impact of automation or technological innovations allows organizations to plan for reskilling or upskilling employees accordingly.

To gather the necessary information for HRP, organizations may conduct workforce analysis, employee surveys, exit interviews, internal skill inventories, and labor market research. This data is then used to make informed decisions about recruitment, training and development, performance management, and succession planning to meet the organization's human resource needs effectively.