
negative what to the fourth power?

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To compute the square root of 1296 and then raise the result to the power of -4, you will need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the square root of 1296.

The square root of 1296 is 36 because 36 * 36 equals 1296.

Step 2: Apply the power of -4 to the result from Step 1.

To raise 36 to the power of -4, you need to take the reciprocal and then raise it to the power of 4.

The reciprocal of 36 is 1/36.

Raising 1/36 to the power of 4 results in 1/36^4.

To simplify this, you need to calculate 1/36 * 1/36 * 1/36 * 1/36.

Multiplying the numerators gives you 1 * 1 * 1 * 1, which equals 1.

Multiplying the denominators gives you 36 * 36 * 36 * 36, which equals 1,294,116.

The final result is 1/1,294,116, which is the answer to -^4√1296.