The park has an area of about 25cm^2 on the map and a map has a scale of 1:15000. calculate the area of the park on the ground. give answer to Km^2

1cm:15000cm? = 150m = .15Km

Can you work it from here?

To calculate the area of the park on the ground, you need to convert the map's scale to real-world units and then use that scale to scale up the measured area on the map.

1. Convert the scale to real-world units:
The given scale is 1:15000, which means that 1 cm on the map represents 15000 cm on the ground.
To convert cm to km, divide by 100,000 since there are 100,000 centimeters in a kilometer.
So, 1 cm on the map represents 15000/100000 = 0.15 km on the ground.

2. Scale up the measured area on the map:
The park's area on the map is given as 25 cm^2. Multiply this by the conversion factor to get the area on the ground.
25 cm^2 * 0.15 km/cm = 3.75 km^2

Therefore, the area of the park on the ground is approximately 3.75 km^2.