how do you multiply pi by 218?

how do you multiply a decimal with a whole number?

thanks ms.sue:)

You're welcome, April.

To multiply pi by 218, you can simply multiply the value of pi, which is approximately 3.14159, by 218 using a calculator or a math software.

Here's how you can multiply a decimal (like pi) with a whole number:

Step 1: Write down the decimal number and the whole number.

Step 2: Multiply the decimal number by the whole number as if it were a regular multiplication problem, treating the decimal like any other digit. Ignore the decimal point during this step.

Step 3: Count the number of decimal places in the decimal number. Let's call this count 'n'.

Step 4: Place the decimal point in the product, starting from the right side, so that it is 'n' places from the right.

Step 5: Finally, write down the product with the correct placement of the decimal point.

For example, let's multiply 3.14 (a decimal) by the whole number 10:

Step 1: Write down 3.14 and 10.

Step 2: Multiply 3.14 by 10 without considering the decimal point:
314 (ignore the decimal point at this stage)

Step 3: Since there are two decimal places in 3.14, count 'n' as 2.

Step 4: Place the decimal point 'n' places from the right, which in this case is 2 places from the right.
314 --> 31.4

Step 5: The product is 31.4.

Remember, always use a calculator or math software if you need precise decimal calculations.