cutting a circle into equal sections of a small central angle to find the area of circle by the formula a=pi*r*r

To find the area of a circle by dividing it into equal sections of a small central angle, we can use the formula A = πr^2, where A represents the area of the circle and r represents the radius.

Now, to divide the circle into equal sections, we need to determine the central angle of each section. Let's assume we want to divide the circle into n equal parts.

1. Start by calculating the central angle, θ, of each individual section. The central angle is determined by dividing the full 360 degrees (the total angle of a circle) by the number of equal sections, n. Therefore, θ = 360/n degrees.

2. Once you have the central angle, you can now measure the area of each individual section. To do this, follow these steps:
a. Find the area of the entire circle by using the formula A = πr^2.
b. Since the full circle has an area of A, each individual section will have a fraction of that area. Divide the total area of the circle A by the number of equal sections, n. This will give you the area of each section.

For example, let's say we want to divide a circle into 8 equal sections:

1. Calculate the central angle: θ = 360/8 = 45 degrees.

2. Find the area of the entire circle: A = πr^2.

3. Determine the area of each section: Divide the total area A by the number of sections, n (in our case, 8). Therefore, the area of each section is A/8.

Remember to substitute the value of r (the radius) into the equation before performing any calculations.

Using this method, you can divide a circle into equal sections based on the desired central angle and find the area of each section.

What is your question? Do you have the value for r?

Insert that value into the equation. Pi = 3.1416