looking for examples of behavior of the four states of consciousness

The four states of consciousness are commonly referred to as waking consciousness, dream consciousness, deep sleep, and transcendent consciousness. Let's explore each state and provide some examples of their associated behaviors:

1. Waking Consciousness:
This state is our usual everyday awareness when we are awake and alert. Some examples of behaviors in waking consciousness include:
- Engaging in conversation with others.
- Performing daily tasks such as driving, working, or studying.
- Being aware of our surroundings and making decisions based on our surroundings.

2. Dream Consciousness:
Dream consciousness occurs during our sleep when we experience vivid and often illogical dreams. Behaviors in dream consciousness are not under our conscious control but are influenced by our subconscious mind. Examples include:
- Having imaginative and sometimes surreal experiences in dreams.
- Engaging with characters or events that may not exist in reality.
- Reacting and responding emotionally to dream scenarios.

3. Deep Sleep:
Deep sleep is characterized by a lack of awareness and a state of restorative rest. During this state, we are often unaware of our surroundings, and brain activity slows down. Behaviors in deep sleep are minimal, and examples include:
- Minimal movement or physical activity.
- Decreased responsiveness to external stimuli.
- Lack of conscious awareness and dreams.

4. Transcendent Consciousness:
Also known as higher states of consciousness, this state goes beyond the usual waking and dreaming states. This state is often associated with profound experiences of interconnectedness, bliss, or spiritual transcendence. Behaviors in transcendent consciousness vary widely among individuals but may include:
- Deep meditation practices.
- Experiencing oneness with the universe.
- Intense spiritual experiences or states of enlightenment.

It's important to note that while these examples represent common behaviors associated with each state of consciousness, individual experiences can vary significantly. Additionally, the study and understanding of consciousness are complex and multifaceted.