I posted these questions earlier for help and Writeacher wanted me to post what I chose as answers so someone could check/help me. * is the answer I chose.

2.)Your answer is incorrect. You are a careless person.

Faulty Cause and Effect
Red Herring
Either/Or Thinking

3.)Forgive her. You know all poets have their heads in the clouds.

Faulty Cause and Effect
Red Herring
Either/Or Thinking

4.)We shouldn't accept her plan. You remember she didn't support us last year.

*Faulty Cause and Effect
Red Herring
Either/Or Thinking

5.) If I don't go on this trip, my semester will be ruined.

Faulty Cause and Effect
Red Herring
*Either/Or Thinking
6.)All of us are voting for Terry for treasurer. Come on--why not you, too?

Faulty Cause and Effect
Red Herring
Either/Or Thinking
7.)You did not buy a new notebook. Clearly, you do not care about this class.

*Faulty Cause and Effect
Red Herring
Either/Or Thinking

8.) Don't say you like me if you like him! We can't stand each other!

Faulty Cause and Effect
*Red Herring
Either/Or Thinking

9.) Don't ask Marie to play. You know girls don't like football.

Faulty Cause and Effect
Red Herring
Either/Or Thinking

10.) Daren Jones, the most popular boy in class, says that book is good. I think I'll read it.

Faulty Cause and Effect
Red Herring
Either/Or Thinking

Should you not be absolutely clear on the different terms, please list those. Although we do not do the thinking for you, we can certainly show you where to go for a definition/explanation, etc.


I don't expect this site to "think for me" and I did use the websites Writeacher provided for me but like I said (and Writeacher), I'm posting my answers so they can be checked! I still don't fully understand. I don't understand what you mean by "Should you not be absolutely clear on the different terms, please list those."

Sorry, Ariel. I've been gone for most of the day.

I agree with you on #s 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10. Please rethink the other two.

no apologies necessary:)

I will review the other two and repost my new answers!


#8=Faulty Cause and Effect or Either/Or Thinking (I'm not sure which one or if these are even right)

I think you're right on #8.

However, I think #2 is faulty cause and effect. Even if a person is careless (cause), his carelessness isn't a definitive reason for the incorrect answer (effect).

Based on the options you provided, here is a breakdown of the correct answers for each question:

2) Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is "Stereotype." A stereotype is a faulty cause and effect fallacy that assumes a generalization about a group based on limited or biased information.

3) Your answer is correct. "Stereotype" is the correct answer. The statement assumes that all poets have their heads in the clouds, which is a stereotype.

4) Your answer is correct. "Faulty Cause and Effect" is the correct answer. The statement implies that because someone didn't support us in the past, we shouldn't accept their plan in the present, which is a faulty cause and effect reasoning.

5) Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is "Either/Or Thinking." The statement presents a false dichotomy by suggesting that not going on the trip will ruin the entire semester.

6) Your answer is correct. "Bandwagon" is the correct answer. The statement tries to persuade someone to join a group (voting for Terry) by appealing to the idea that many others are already doing it.

7) Your answer is correct. "Faulty Cause and Effect" is the correct answer. The statement assumes that not buying a new notebook translates to not caring about the class, which is a faulty cause and effect reasoning.

8) Your answer is correct. "Red Herring" is the correct answer. The statement diverts attention from the main argument by introducing a different issue (liking someone else).

9) Your answer is correct. "Stereotype" is the correct answer. The statement assumes that girls don't like football based on a stereotype.

10) Your answer is correct. "Bandwagon" is the correct answer. The statement relies on the popularity and endorsement of Daren Jones to convince the person to read the book.