Multiply or divide and write scientific notation for the result.

(7.66 • 10^2)(6.29 • 10^-4)

can someone please help me with this.

To multiply two numbers written in scientific notation, you will multiply the coefficients (the numbers in front of the powers of 10) together and add the exponents of the powers of 10. To divide two numbers in scientific notation, you will divide the coefficients and subtract the exponent of the divisor from the exponent of the dividend.

Let's first multiply the coefficients:

7.66 * 6.29 = 48.1514

Next, add the exponents:

10^2 * 10^-4 = 10^(2-4) = 10^-2

Now, we combine the coefficient and the exponent in scientific notation:

48.1514 * 10^-2

To simplify the coefficient, we can write it as 4.81514 and adjust the exponent accordingly:

4.81514 * 10^-1

So, the result is 4.81514 * 10^-1 in scientific notation.