I'm in grade 9, and my oral exam is coming up on monday. One of the possible questions involves knowing the plot of the textbook 'Sans frontieres 9e' that I had to return already. Specifically 'Selon toi, qui a commis le crime a\Logi-clique? Pourquoi?' Translation 'In your opinion, who commited the crime at Logi-clique? Why( do you think so)?

Thanks in advance.

Hopefully during the year you maintained a good notebook with notes on each chapter/unit. Unfortunately we access to no class, textbook, workbook, etc.

If this book (was it edition 2000?) were online and I knew the unit, page, etc. I could help you. Otherwise how specifically may I help you?

This is not a textbook I have used so I have not read "Le Crime à Logi-clique" so I have no idea what it entails.

If you can post specifically how I can assist you, I will be only too happy to do that.

Sra (aka Mme)

To answer the question about who committed the crime in "Logi-clique" from the textbook "Sans frontières 9e", you will need to recall the plot of the story. Since you no longer have the textbook, I cannot help you with the specific details of the story. However, I can guide you on how to prepare for an oral exam question about a story or novel plot.

1. Review the story: Recall the main events, characters, and key details of the story. Think about the different characters' motives, actions, and interactions with each other.

2. Character analysis: Identify the relevant characters involved in the crime and think about their personalities, desires, and potential motivations for committing the crime. Consider any clues or hints that may have been provided in the story.

3. Gather evidence: Recall any evidence or clues that may point to a specific character as the culprit. Note any significant actions, statements, or behaviors that may be relevant to the crime.

4. Make logical deductions: Analyze the evidence you have gathered and make connections between the characters, their motives, and their potential involvement in the crime. Consider any red herrings or misdirection in the story that may lead you to suspect one character over another.

5. Formulate your opinion: Based on your analysis, form your own opinion about who committed the crime and why. Support your opinion with evidence and reasoning from the story. Explain your thought process and provide specific examples from the plot to strengthen your argument.

Remember, the question is about your opinion, so there may not be a definitive correct answer. What matters most is your ability to analyze the characters, their motives, and the evidence presented in the story to form a well-reasoned opinion. Good luck with your oral exam!