Please use the Bohr model simulator at Michigan State University to complete the table below:

initial orbital ending orbital Wavelength (nm)
3 2
4 2
2 434
2 410.2
7 2 397
4 3
5 3

Bohr Model Simulation McGraw-Hill (Java)

To complete the table using the Bohr model simulator at Michigan State University, follow these steps:

1. Open the Bohr Model Simulation McGraw-Hill (Java) on the internet by searching for it using a search engine.
2. Once the simulator is open, you will see a visual representation of the Bohr model with different energy levels (orbitals).
3. To find the wavelength (nm) for a given transition, you need to know the initial and ending orbitals.
4. Locate the initial orbital in the table and find the corresponding numbered energy level on the simulator.
5. Click on the initial energy level on the simulator to select it.
6. Next, locate the ending orbital in the table and find the corresponding numbered energy level on the simulator.
7. Click on the ending energy level on the simulator to select it.
8. By selecting the initial and ending orbitals, you are simulating the transition of an electron between the energy levels.
9. Look for a display or output on the simulator that provides the wavelength (nm) for the selected transition.
10. Locate the value of the wavelength on the simulator and enter it into the table in the corresponding row and column for the given initial and ending orbitals.

Repeat these steps for each transition listed in the table until you have filled in all the missing values.