would you rather questions.. pay $9/kg or $4/500 g?

depends on the quantity.

$4/500 g is like paying $8/kg..you tell me

To determine which option is more cost-effective, we need to compare the prices per kilogram (kg) for both options.

Let's calculate the prices:
Option 1: $9/kg
Option 2: $4/500g

To compare them directly, we need to ensure both options are using the same unit of measurement (kg or g). Since the second option is given in grams (g), let's convert it to kilograms (kg):

1 kilogram (kg) = 1000 grams (g)

So, 500 grams (500g) is equal to:
500g ÷ 1000 = 0.5 kilograms (kg)

Now that we have the prices for both options in the same unit (kg), let's compare them:

Option 1: $9/kg
Option 2: $4/0.5kg

The price for Option 2 per kilogram can be calculated by dividing the price by the quantity:
$4 ÷ 0.5kg = $8/kg

Now we can compare the two options:

- Option 1: $9/kg
- Option 2: $8/kg

Based on the calculations, Option 2 is more cost-effective, as it costs $8 per kilogram compared to $9 per kilogram for Option 1.