Taylor Inc manufactures widgets

A cost benefit matrix that compares the alternatives.

To create a cost benefit matrix for Taylor Inc's manufacturing alternatives, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Identify the alternatives: Begin by listing out the different options or alternatives that Taylor Inc has for manufacturing widgets. For example, the alternatives could be using different materials, production methods, or outsourcing the manufacturing process.

2. Define costs: Determine the costs associated with each alternative. This includes both direct costs (e.g., raw materials, labor, equipment) and indirect costs (e.g., maintenance, energy consumption, overhead costs). Consider all relevant expenses to get an accurate representation of the cost for each alternative.

3. Identify benefits: Next, determine the benefits or advantages associated with each alternative. Consider factors such as improved efficiency, higher quality output, faster production time, reduced waste, or lower environmental impact. These benefits can be tangible (e.g., increased revenue, cost savings) or intangible (e.g., improved customer satisfaction, brand reputation).

4. Assign weights: Assign weights to each cost and benefit based on their relative importance to Taylor Inc. This step involves considering the significance of each factor and how it aligns with the company's goals and priorities. For example, reducing costs may be a higher priority than achieving faster production time.

5. Calculate cost and benefit scores: Evaluate and score each alternative based on their associated costs and benefits. Use a numerical scale (e.g., 1 to 10) to assign scores depending on the significance and magnitude of the impact. Multiply the assigned weights by the respective scores to calculate a total score for each alternative.

6. Analyze and compare: Finally, analyze the cost benefit matrix by comparing the total scores of each alternative. This will allow Taylor Inc to determine which alternative offers the best balance between costs and benefits. Keep in mind that the interpretation of the matrix may vary depending on the specific priorities and objectives of the company.

By following these steps, Taylor Inc can create a comprehensive cost benefit matrix that will aid in decision-making and selecting the most favorable manufacturing alternative for their widgets.