Calculate the IRR and NPV of this project utilizing a 12% discount rate and a 15% cap rate. Ms. Brown

was able to secure a loan for $1,540,000, and an equity investor agreed to invest the remaining
$660,000 in exchange for 20% ownership in the project.


Calculate the IRR and NPV of this project utilizing a 12% discount rate and a 15% cap rate. Ms. Brown was able to secure a loan for $1,540,000, and an equity investor agreed to invest the remaining

$660,000 in exchange for 20% ownership in the project?

To calculate the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Net Present Value (NPV) of the project, we need more details about the project's cash flows over time. The IRR and NPV calculations require a series of cash inflows and outflows for the project's expected life.

Please provide the projected cash flows for each period of the project, including the initial investment, operating cash flows, and terminal cash flows.

To calculate the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Net Present Value (NPV) of the project, we need to consider the cash flows generated by the project and discount them appropriately.

1. Cash Flows:
In this case, we have two sources of financing:
a) Loan: Ms. Brown secured a loan for $1,540,000.
b) Equity Investment: An equity investor agreed to invest $660,000 in exchange for 20% ownership in the project.

2. Projected Cash Flows:
To calculate the IRR and NPV, we need to estimate the future cash flows generated by the project. Suppose the project generates cash flows as follows (these figures are hypothetical and should be replaced with the actual cash flow projections):

Year 1: $100,000
Year 2: $200,000
Year 3: $300,000
Year 4: $400,000
Year 5: $500,000

3. Discount Rate:
For the calculation, we are provided with a discount rate of 12% and a cap rate of 15%. We will use the discount rate of 12% to calculate the NPV and IRR.

4. IRR Calculation:
The IRR is the discount rate at which the project's net present value becomes zero. We need to calculate the IRR using the estimated cash flows and the discount rate. It is easier to use financial software or a calculator with IRR functions. Here's how to do it using Excel:

a) Enter the estimated cash flows in a column in Excel, starting from Year 0 (the initial investment, i.e., the loan + equity investment) to the last year of the project.
Year 0: -(1,540,000 + 660,000)
Year 1-5: 100,000, 200,000, 300,000, 400,000, 500,000

b) Use the IRR function in Excel to calculate the IRR based on the entered cash flows.

5. NPV Calculation:
The NPV is the difference between the present value of all the cash flows and the initial investment. We will use the discount rate of 12% to calculate the NPV.

a) Calculate the present value of each cash flow by dividing it by (1 + discount rate) raised to the power of the corresponding year.
Year 0: -(1,540,000 + 660,000) / (1 + 12%)^0
Year 1: 100,000 / (1 + 12%)^1
Year 2: 200,000 / (1 + 12%)^2
Year 3: 300,000 / (1 + 12%)^3
Year 4: 400,000 / (1 + 12%)^4
Year 5: 500,000 / (1 + 12%)^5

b) Sum up all the present values calculated in step 5a to obtain the NPV.

6. Interpretation:
a) If the IRR is higher than the discount rate (12% in this case), the project is considered profitable.
b) If the NPV is positive, the project is considered financially viable.

Please note that the NPV and IRR calculations mentioned above are based on assumptions and estimations. Actual cash flows, discount rates, and project characteristics may require adjustments for accurate evaluation.