Find all solutions if 0 degrees is less than or equal to x and x is less than 360 degrees.

2 sin^2(x)+ sin(x)=1


treat it like a quadratic.
Some students like to change it using something like this:
let sin(x) = y , then
2y^2 + y - 1 = 0

this one factors nicely, once you found y, sub that back into sinx

To solve the equation 2sin^2(x) + sin(x) = 1, we can rearrange it to the quadratic form. Let's substitute sin(x) with a variable, let's say y.

So the equation becomes:

2y^2 + y = 1

Now, let's rewrite it in standard quadratic form:

2y^2 + y - 1 = 0

To solve this quadratic equation, we can use factoring or the quadratic formula. Let's use the quadratic formula:

y = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a

Here, a = 2, b = 1, and c = -1. Plugging these values into the formula, we have:

y = (-1 ± √(1^2 - 4(2)(-1))) / (2(2))
= (-1 ± √(1 + 8)) / 4
= (-1 ± √9) / 4
= (-1 ± 3) / 4

We get two possible values for y:

1. y = (-1 + 3) / 4 = 2 / 4 = 1/2
2. y = (-1 - 3) / 4 = -4 / 4 = -1

Now, let's substitute y back with sin(x):

1. sin(x) = 1/2

To find the solutions for sin(x) = 1/2, we can recall the trigonometric values for 30 degrees and 150 degrees in the unit circle. So the solutions for this equation are:

x = 30 degrees and x = 150 degrees

2. sin(x) = -1

To find the solutions for sin(x) = -1, we can recall the trigonometric value for 270 degrees in the unit circle. So the solution for this equation is:

x = 270 degrees

Therefore, the solutions for the equation 2sin^2(x) + sin(x) = 1, where 0 degrees ≤ x < 360 degrees, are:

x = 30 degrees, 150 degrees, and 270 degrees.

To solve the equation 2sin^2(x) + sin(x) = 1, you can use the substitution rule.

Let's substitute sin(x) with a variable, say a. The equation becomes:

2a^2 + a = 1

Now, rearrange the equation to get a quadratic equation:

2a^2 + a - 1 = 0

To solve for a, you can use the quadratic formula:

a = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

In this case, a = 2, b = 1, and c = -1. Plugging the values into the quadratic formula:

a = (-(1) ± √((1)^2 - 4(2)(-1))) / (2(2))

Simplifying further:

a = (-1 ± √(1 + 8)) / 4

a = (-1 ± √9) / 4

Now, we have two possible solutions for a:

a = (-1 + 3) / 4 = 2 / 4 = 0.5

a = (-1 - 3) / 4 = -4 / 4 = -1

Since a is equal to sin(x), we can find the values of x by taking the inverse sine (or arcsine) of a.

For a = 0.5:

x = sin^(-1)(0.5)

Using a calculator, you can find that sin^(-1)(0.5) is approximately 30 degrees (or π/6 radians).

For a = -1:

x = sin^(-1)(-1)

Using a calculator, you can find that sin^(-1)(-1) is approximately 270 degrees (or 3π/2 radians).

So, the solutions for the given equation in the specified range are x = 30 degrees and x = 270 degrees.