how do you solve these problems?

1.2x/3 + 1/3 - x/8= 2/3

2. 3n + 9/10 + n/5= -2 3/10

3. 3k/4 - 28 - 2k/3 = 37

#1: Multiply both sides by a common denominator, in this case 24.

So you'll get

24* (2x/3 + 1/3 - x/8) = 24* (2/3 )
16x + 8 - 3x = 16
13x = 8
x = 8/13

#2: Multiply both sides by 10

#3: Multiply both sides by 12.

how do you do number 2. with a mixed number like multiply it by 10

-2 3/10 = -23/10

To solve these problems, we will follow a step-by-step approach. The aim is to simplify the equation and isolate the variable on one side of the equation.

Let's solve each problem step-by-step:

1. 2x/3 + 1/3 - x/8 = 2/3

To simplify the equation, let's eliminate the fractions by finding a common denominator. In this case, the least common denominator (LCD) is 24.

Multiplying the entire equation by 24, we get:

(24)(2x/3) + (24)(1/3) - (24)(x/8) = (24)(2/3)

This simplifies to:

16x + 8 - 3x = 16

Combining like terms, we have:

13x + 8 = 16

Next, let's isolate the variable by subtracting 8 from both sides:

13x = 16 - 8

13x = 8

Finally, divide both sides by 13 to solve for x:

x = 8/13

Hence, the solution to the equation is x = 8/13.

2. 3n + 9/10 + n/5 = -2 3/10

Again, we need to find a common denominator to simplify the equation. The LCD here is 10.

Multiplying both sides of the equation by 10, we get:

(10)(3n) + (10)(9/10) + (10)(n/5) = (10)(-2 3/10)

This simplifies to:

30n + 9 + 2n = -23

Combining like terms gives us:

32n + 9 = -23

Now, let's isolate the variable by subtracting 9 from both sides:

32n = -23 - 9

32n = -32

Finally, divide both sides by 32 to solve for n:

n = -32/32

Simplifying, we have:

n = -1

Therefore, the solution to the equation is n = -1.

3. 3k/4 - 28 - 2k/3 = 37

Similar to the previous problems, let's find a common denominator to simplify the equation. The LCD is 12.

Multiplying both sides by 12, we get:

(12)(3k/4) - (12)(28) - (12)(2k/3) = (12)(37)

This simplifies to:

9k - 336 - 8k = 444

Combining like terms, we obtain:

k - 336 = 444

To isolate the variable, we add 336 to both sides:

k = 444 + 336

k = 780

Therefore, the solution to the equation is k = 780.

By following these steps, you can solve these types of problems.