Hello I am stuck on trying to figure out my assignment on Incorporating Statistics, Graphs, and Illustrations. My topic I chose was on Education and I am not having any luck finding any pictures, graph's or anything on this topic that I can use. Is there anyway you can give me any pointers on what you think I can use? Oh yea my thesis is "One of the greatest problems in America society today is a variation in the quality of education, dependent upon the wealth, or lack thereof, in particular areas.

Thanks but I went to this and all I see is web site's? Not sure what you wan me to do? I was seeking help on how to get information on how to make a chart for education? I just don't know what I can use for this? I am looking for two of them? Pictures? Anything I can use??

Simply to say you're looking for charts or illustrations about education is extremely broad. That could include just about anything.

Go here -- http://www.google.com/imghp?hl=en&tab=wi -- and search with any or all of these terms:

high school dropout rates

AP test scores California

percentage bilingual classrooms California

Think up different search terms if nothing in these is what you're looking for. Make your search terms more specific.

Of course! Incorporating statistics, graphs, and illustrations can be a great way to support and enhance your assignment on education. Here are some pointers to help you find suitable images and data for your topic:

1. Search for relevant statistics: Look for reputable sources such as government websites, educational organizations, or research institutes that provide data on education. They often publish statistical reports or surveys on various aspects of education, such as school funding, educational outcomes, or achievement gaps. Make sure the data is recent and reliable.

2. Explore educational databases: Many educational databases, such as ERIC (Education Resources Information Center), contain a wealth of information, including research studies, reports, and data related to education. Utilize keywords related to your topic to find relevant information and statistics.

3. Check out infographics and charts: Look for infographics or charts that relate to educational disparities, funding inequality, or educational achievement across different regions or socio-economic groups. Websites like Statista, Data.gov, or educational blogs often have visually appealing graphics that can be used to support your thesis.

4. Use educational maps: Consider finding and incorporating maps that highlight educational disparities, such as variation in educational funding or access to quality schools. GIS (Geographic Information System) databases or government websites may have maps showing educational data at the regional or national level.

5. Create your own graphs or illustrations: If you cannot find suitable visuals, consider creating your own graphs or illustrations using software tools like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or data visualization platforms like Tableau or Infogram. You can input the relevant data you found and create customized visuals to support your points.

Remember, when incorporating any data, graphs, or illustrations into your assignment, always provide proper citations and references to ensure academic integrity. These visuals should help strengthen your arguments and provide a visual representation of the educational disparities you are discussing in your thesis.