What is the conjugation of vouloir?

what is it in the passe compose? I just returned my textbook today......

voulu, voulue, voulus, voulues

I think it's:

j'ai voulu
tu as voulu
il a voulu
nous avons voulu
vous avez voulu
ils ont voulu

umm... which one is it?

is one the regular conjugation? and the second one is passe compose? I need both.. thanks!

voulu, voulue, voulus, voulues are the four different forms of passé composé if and when it needs to be in agreement with the complement in the forms masc. sing., fem. sing., masc. plural, and fem. plural respectively. When agreement is not required, the form "voulu" is used.

Math Mate gave you the 4 forms of the past participle. You have the passé composé = vouloir is conjugated with avoir.

What do you mean by the regular conjugation? If you mean the present tense, it is irregular:
je veux, tu veux, il/elle/on veut, nous voulons, vous voulez, ils/elles veulent

Sra (aka Mme)

The verb "vouloir" is a irregular verb in French, which means that it does not follow the regular conjugation patterns. Here is the conjugation of "vouloir" in the present tense:

- Je veux (I want)
- Tu veux (You want)
- Il/Elle veut (He/She wants)
- Nous voulons (We want)
- Vous voulez (You want)
- Ils/Elles veulent (They want)

To arrive at this answer, I used my knowledge of French grammar. Irregular verbs, like "vouloir," need to be memorized as their conjugations do not follow a regular pattern. You can consult a French verb conjugation resource, such as a textbook or an online conjugation tool, to find the conjugation of any verb in French.