One of the first acts of Facist aggression was Mussolini's invasion in 1935 of what?


i think its Ethiopia...but i might be way off =/

You're on the right track! Mussolini's invasion in 1935 was indeed in Ethiopia. To find the answer to this type of historical question, it's always helpful to do some research.

In this case, you can search for key terms like "Mussolini invasion 1935" or "Italian invasion in Africa 1935." This will lead you to historical sources and articles that provide information about Mussolini's aggression and the country he invaded.

In the case of this question, you could find numerous sources confirming that the correct answer is indeed Ethiopia. Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia was one of the early acts of aggression by fascist Italy as they sought to expand their colonial empire and create an Italian East Africa.

Ethiopia is right.