• Imagine that you have been asked to serve on the advisory board for a new, alternative school program in your school district. The advisory board must specify the factors that will be considered in determining which students qualify for the program and they must create a plan that can be presented to the school board for approval and potential implementation at the beginning of the school year two years from now.

 What part of the at-risk population will the program serve?
*are they talking about who the program will serve like students etc..*

 How will students be identified for the program?
8are they talking aboiut liek the court appointing them ciz of drug problem*

 How will the program address the needs of the students? * are they talking about offering classes to get clean, or like a big bro big sis thing*

 What additional social resources are available in the community that can be utilized for greater success? * am not sure*

 What are the potential positive impacts for the district, students, and community? not sure

 What are the necessary steps for implementing the program?
not sure

„X What part of the at-risk population will the program serve?

*are they talking about who the program will serve like students etc..*
Most alternative programs serve students who are at risk of dropping out of high school.

„X How will students be identified for the program?
8are they talking aboiut liek the court appointing them ciz of drug problem*

They are usually recommended for alternative ed by teachers and administrators. The could also be referred by the courts.

„X How will the program address the needs of the students? * are they talking about offering classes to get clean, or like a big bro big sis thing*

An alternative ed program must also address the academic and employment education of the students. Included are remedial reading and math programs plus job training. Preparation for the GED or h.s. graduation are also necessary.

„X What additional social resources are available in the community that can be utilized for greater success? * am not sure*

State social services, churches, probation officers, and employment programs could be available.

„X What are the potential positive impacts for the district, students, and community? not sure

Students who are successful in school tend to be successful community members. An alternative school should help these kids become successful citizens.

„X What are the necessary steps for implementing the program?
not sure

You'll need a building, a curriculum, a strong administration, and dedicated staff members.

so i have to find a program that specializes in high school drop outs?

No. You don't have to find a program.

Just elaborate on the ideas you presented and I added to.

Alternative ed programs not only serve kids who have already dropped out -- but those who are still in high school or middle school who will probably drop out.

ok thank you i think i have the pwoerpoint somewhat right lol

You're welcome!


To answer the question about what part of the at-risk population the program will serve, you need to consider the specific focus of the alternative school program. At-risk students can include those who face academic, social, behavioral, emotional, or economic challenges. The program could target students who have experienced academic difficulties, disciplinary issues, substance abuse problems, or are facing other barriers to their education.

To identify students for the program, the advisory board will need to establish a set of criteria or indicators to determine eligibility. This could involve a combination of factors, such as academic performance, attendance records, discipline history, referrals from teachers or counselors, input from parents or guardians, or assessments of students' social and emotional well-being.

Addressing the needs of the students can be done through a variety of approaches. For academic needs, the program might offer specialized instruction, individualized learning plans, or alternative teaching methods. For social and emotional needs, the program could provide counseling services, mentoring programs, or peer support groups. It is important to consider a multi-faceted approach that addresses all aspects of students' well-being.

To identify additional social resources available in the community, the advisory board should conduct a comprehensive needs assessment. This can include reaching out to local organizations, nonprofits, community centers, healthcare providers, mental health services, and other relevant stakeholders. These resources can be utilized to provide students with additional support and opportunities for growth.

The potential positive impacts of the program can be far-reaching. For the school district, it can lead to reduced dropout rates, improved graduation rates, and overall better educational outcomes. For students, it can provide an alternative pathway to success, tailored to their individual needs. Additionally, it can contribute to the community by reducing juvenile delinquency, promoting workforce readiness, and fostering a sense of social responsibility among students.

Implementing the program will require several necessary steps. These may include conducting research to inform program design, developing a detailed proposal, collaborating with relevant stakeholders such as the school board, securing necessary funding and resources, planning and building facilities if required, hiring qualified staff, and establishing a monitoring and evaluation system to assess the program's effectiveness. It is crucial to create a clear and comprehensive plan that outlines these steps and ensures smooth implementation.

Overall, serving on the advisory board for the new alternative school program involves carefully considering the needs of at-risk students, identifying the criteria for participation, implementing strategies to address those needs, leveraging community resources, and outlining the necessary steps for successful implementation.