predict the height of a woman whose humerus is 32 cm long.

You need a predictive equation: Is it this?

H(x) = 2.75x + 71.48 where x is the length of the humerus in cm?


To predict the height of a woman based on the length of her humerus bone, we can use anthropometric equations that take into account the relationship between bone length and height. One commonly used equation is the Farricielli equation for estimating adult height:

Height (in cm) = 69.089 + 2.238 × length of humerus (in cm)

Using this equation, we can plug in the length of the humerus bone (32 cm) to calculate the predicted height:

Height = 69.089 + 2.238 × 32
Height ≈ 69.089 + 71.616
Height ≈ 140.705 cm

Therefore, based on the Farricielli equation, the predicted height of a woman with a humerus length of 32 cm would be approximately 140.705 cm.